Uprising & Resistance

Responding to archival silences surrounding slavery in Early Modern London

As much as violence, brutality and dehumanizing conditions were ever-present aboard slave ships, so was resistance to that inhumanity.
— Dr. Alexandre White

Uprising & Resistance is a series of commissioned poetry and visual art works responding to academic research from John Hopkins University and Black Beyond Data into the archives of Lloyd’s insurance market. Their investigative work sheds light on the critical roles that City of London merchants, financiers and underwriters played in the British trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Taking this historical research as a starting point, poets and visual artists were commissioned to respond to these challenging, traumatic and problematic archives, as well as the surrounding silences that they don’t record.

Published by Ink Sweat & Tears Press, Uprising and Resistance features creative work by poets Remi Graves, Keith Jarrett, Courtney Conrad and malakaï sergeant, and artists Jess Nash and Levi Naidu-Mitchell; edited by Gboyega Odubanjo.


Project credits

Poets: Courtney Conrad, Remi Graves, Keith Jarrett & malakaï sargent
Artists: Jess Nash & Levi Naidu-Mitchell
Editor: Gboyega Odubanjo
Historical research and academic support: Dr Alexandre White, Pyar Seth & Victoria Lane
Project publisher: Ink Sweat & Tears Press
Academic Partner: Johns Hopkins University & Black Beyond Data
Project managed by Spread the Word.